The spark plugs in your
engine are a valuable indication of its health. By the way they look,
spark plugs can tell you whether your engine is running too rich, too
lean, too hot, too cold, if the ignition is off or if it has worn out.
So do pay attention to your plugs once in a while. This can save a lot of headaches.
Please do not mail me about your spark plug problems on a particular car. Unless it's a Triumph Spitfire of course.
is how your plugs should look after they've been used for a few miles.
Nice, grey-brown deposits, lightly coated core nose. Plugs are ideally
suited to engine, engine probably in good condition. Hmmm, lovely! |
Heavy depositsA build-up of heavy, light-grey sandy deposits. Often caused by worn valve guides, excessive use of upper cylinder lubricant, or idling for long periods. |
Carbon foulingDry, black, soot-like deposits. Caused by rich running. Check carb mixture settings, float level, choke operation, air filter. |
Oil FoulingWet deposits of oil. Caused by worn bores, pistong rings or valve guides. Sometimes happens briefly during running-in period. |
Overheated plugElectrodes look glazed; core nose very white; few deposits. Plug is overheating. Check
plug temperature value, ignition timing, fuel octane rating (might be
too low) and mixture setting (too lean). Rectify before piston rings
break or valve faces burn. |
Damaged electrodeElectrodes have been burned away, core nose has burned, glazed appearance. Pre-ignition. Check ignition timing and plug temperature value. |
Cracked or broken core noseDetonation or wrong way of setting electrode gap. Check ignition timing, cooling system, fuel mixture setting (too lean). |
Lead glazingProbably doesn't happen with unleaded fuel. Plug
insulator firing tip looks yellow or green/yellow and shiny. Often
caused by incorrect carb setting, excessive idling followed by sharp
acceleration. Also check timing. |
Pictures scanned from a Champion spark plugs advert.