Rear Floor/Rear Floor Cross-member Installation

1.Check the rear frame position, and set the new rear frame B and rear floor cross-member.

2.Check the body dimensions, middle and rear floor under view, top view, side view.

3.Tack weld the new parts into position.

4.Check the rear floor cross-member and rear frame B with the rear cross-beam.

5.Weld the rear floor cross-member (A) and rear frame B (B).

NOTE: Do not weld the rear weld flange (C) of the rear floor cross-member.



6.Set the new rear floor (A) into position, and align it with the body. Cut the new rear floor so it overlaps the body side floor (B) by about 40 mm (1.6 in.)
Insert the new rear floor between the rear floor upper cross-member (C) and body side floor.

7.Clamp the rear panel cross-member, and check the tailgate position.

8.Main weld the rear floor (A), to the rear floor
cross-member (B), rear floor upper cross-member (C) and rear frame B (D).

9.Weld the side weld flange of the rear floor (A) to the rear inner panel (B) and outer panel (C).