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Fig. 1: Loosen the transaxle pan drain plug

Fig. 2: Remove the drain plug and allow the fluid to drain into the pan beneath

  1. Raise and support the vehicle safely on jackstands.
  2. Place a container of adequate capacity beneath the drain plug located at the bottom, center of the transaxle case.
  3. Remove the drain plug and allow the fluid to drain. The drain plug is located on the bottom left side of the transaxle case.
  4. After draining, replace the drain plug and gasket. Tighten the plug to 17–20 ft. lbs. (23–26 Nm). Do not overtighten.
  5. Remove the transaxle dipstick and fill the transaxle through the dipstick hole with the proper amount of automatic transmission fluid.
  6. Check the fluid level.

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